Weird URL?

What’s up with the weird web address? It’s not even grammatically correct.
To put the grammar police at rest…
Well, there is an old story about a man who didn’t say anything when his neighbors were led away for something they supposedly did wrong against the government. He didn’t say anything the next time either.
He sure was kicking and screaming as they dragged him away though.
By the age of 50 I know I can’t change the world. There has only ever been one man that could do that. Jesus Christ.
That man is my Savior, my King, and my Best Friend all in one.
That man calls me to be light in a dark world, salt in a land most unsavory, and someone who is different, like the old Petra song, “We are aliens”, we are sojourners.
In this day and age of Me, Myself, and I, there are so few left who are willing to look out for others.
I had a very difficult time this fall. I was in the hospital for 11 days. I almost died from H1N1 and a case of double Pneumonia.
I have always been a very strong man. I’ve never been accused of being skinny but I have always been strong. I lost so much muscle mass in just two weeks I could barely get myself out of bed and walk for months afterwards. (a lot of fun considering I had a full time schedule at college and I couldn’t afford to miss more than 2 weeks.)
The weakness and having to rely on others was awful. But it taught me to be dependent on the Lord in a way that I never have before.
I also remember two pastors who came to see me. They understand what being 1 person of difference is all about.
I am in the process of writing a book because I have a righteous anger over the way some in power are taking more and more of our freedoms under the US Constitution away. Old folks in Georgia nursing homes, who can’t even pray, during meals any more. Friends back east who are threatened with prison time over selling vitamins and nutritional supplements by a branch of the Federal government that doesn’t have the right to make let alone enforce their own laws.
There is a scene in a Science Fiction move from the early ‘90s called, “Dune”, where the main character looks towards the heavens and screams to his recently murdered father, “The sleeper HAS awakened Father”
I have never stood for much in my life. Sure I grumble and complain like everyone else but for the first time in my life, I have strong calling to do something. Something for God, something for my Country, Something for my family, and something for you.
I want to be one person of difference.
Are you being called to be one person of difference?

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